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Manual: Digital student card


If you have uploaded a photo and paid the study fees we will send you your student card. 

If your digital card is valid, this means that your physical card has been printed and send out.

If you have forgotten or lost your physical student card you can bring up your digital student card and show it if asked.

Go to the tile “Personal Information” and click on the button ”Student card”.

You will see your digital student card and its status. This card has the same barcode as your physical student card.

You can also see when your physical student card was sent. If there is a problem with the delivery of the physical card (e.g. undeliverable), this will be shown here. 

The (digital) student card is only valid if

  • you have paid the study fees
  • you have uploaded a photo
  • you have an active or completed enrolment
  • you are enrolled under a diploma contract or a credit contract (enrolments under exam contract are not shown)
  • there is no hold because of amounts due

If the card is not valid, your programmes, student number and barcode will be hidden.

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Article details
Article ID: 257
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2020-05-29 13:14:29
Views: 1621
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (7)

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