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Manual: Upload photo


If you have not yet uploaded your photo, you will get a task to this effect under the tile "Tasks".

Click on the link or go to the tile “Personal Information” and the menu item “Photo”. 

You will get this page. 

Make sure you have a photo ready. The photo has to fulfill a number of requirements. Click on the button “Upload Photo”.

Select a photo from your device and click on “Upload”. Do not use a square photo! 

As soon as “Upload complete” appears, click on “Done”.

You will now see the date on which you uploaded the photo and the status is now “waiting for approval”. The Registrar’s Office will check if your photo can be used for the student card. 

Please note that, in the example, a dummy was used for privacy reasons. If you upload a dummy yourself, the photo will be rejected.

It is not possible to upload another photo when the status is “waiting for approval”.

If the status of your photo is “rejected”, the reason will also be shown. You will again get a task “Missing photo” and you can upload another photo. 

If your photo has been approved, this will be shown in the status and your photo will also appear at the top of the page next to your student number.

Once you have an approved photo and you have paid the study fees, your student card will be sent. 

Are you really not happy with your photo or has your appearance changed considerably (e.g. beard, totally new hairstyle, …)? In each new academic year you can upload a new photo once.
This is possible as of 16 July.
Go to the tile “Personal Information” and the menu item “Photo”. 

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Article details
Article ID: 256
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2020-05-29 13:04:06
Views: 1826
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.5/5.0 (8)

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