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Manual: Submit your dissertation


Note: You cannot not use this request to submit a PhD-dissertation.

You can only submit a dissertation if you are enrolled for the relevant programme component and if the submission period is open for your study programme.

Click on the tile “Requests”. Choose “Submit dissertation” under "Dissertations".

If you are enrolled for more than one programme, select the programme for which you want to submit the dissertation.

Click on “next”.

If necessary, change the title of your dissertation. The title that you type here and that you mark as “official title” will appear on your diploma supplement. If your dissertation may not be consulted through the library because of a confidentiality clause, slide the button to "Yes" next to “embargo”.

Fill out the abstract. At the bottom you can upload your dissertation. You have to upload a PDF-file of maximum 50 Mb. You can also upload a ZIP-file of maximum 300 Mb. Click on the link for instructions on file types acceptable within the ZIP-file and for tips on how to reduce file size.

Once you have uploaded the correct files, click on “Submit”.

Click "Yes" in the pop-up window to confirm.

You are directed to "My requests".

An e-mail has been sent to your promotor confirming that you have submitted your dissertation through SisA.

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Manual: Submit requests
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Article details
Article ID: 233
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 16:20:12
Views: 2113
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (5)

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