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Manual: Submit a dissertation request


The faculty will determine in which period you can submit a dissertation request. Click on the tile “Requests”. Choose “Dissertation request” under "Dissertations".

If you are enrolled for more than one programme, select the programme for which you want to submit a dissertation request.

Click on “next”.


The next page gives you an overview of all the requested information about your dissertation. Complete all the required fields:

Click on "Add" next to "Dissertation type". Select the academic year (term) in which you plan to finish and submit the dissertation. Also select the academic career, the academic program, the academic plan and the programme component that represents the dissertation.

Click on the link “Faculty regulation” for the instructions of your faculty.

Click on "Apply".

Click on "Add" next to "Title". Give a (provisional) title and indicate it as “Official title”. It is also possible to enter a title in a foreign language. In than case, choose which title is the official one. The official title will later appear on your diploma supplement. You can give more information about your request in the “Extra info”- field.


Do you write your thesis in co-operation with another student? Then change the box "Duo-thesis" to "Yes" and write the name of the other student in the text box "Extra info".

Finally, select the promotor of your choice. Click on the magnifier. You can search for the promotor by name and first name.

Check if the information you filled out is correct and click on “submit”. Click "Yes" in the pop-up window to confirm.

An e-mail has been sent to the lecturer you have chosen.

You will receive an e-mail when your request has been treated.

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Article details
Article ID: 231
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 15:12:32
Views: 2774
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (5)

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