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Manual: Submit requests


You can submit different types of administrative requests through. At this moment you can submit the following requests:

  • Re-enrolment for a programme in a new academic year
  • Change your current enrolment
  • Change your academic plan
  • Enroll for an academic subplan (if applicable for your programme) this means selecting a specialisation, an option, a major or a minor.
  • Delete an academic subplan (if applicable for your programme)
  • Register as an employed student
  • Register exam moments
  • Cancel exam moments
  • You can enrol for the 2nd exam session
  • You can confirm special facilities
  • You can submit a request for mobility/internship if you want to go abroad through an exchange programme or if you plan to do an internship
  • You can request graduating in February if you can obtain your diploma in the current academic year
  • You can submit a dissertation request
  • You can submit your dissertation.

Click on the tile “Requests”. The requests are grouped per theme. Click on onze of the arrows to open another theme.

You can view previously submitted requests under “My requests”. Standard, you will see 5 requests. Click on “View more” if you want to view older requests.

Click on the arrow or anywhere in the row to see the details of the request.


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Re-enrolment: How can I re-enrol in a new academic year?
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Manual: Submit your dissertation
Manual: Submit a dissertation request
Article details
Article ID: 219
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 13:25:35
Views: 419
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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