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Law-Master: I want to take a thesis semester next year. How do I do that?


Contact your supervisor and discuss the postponement of your thesis. After your situation has been clarified, you can enrol for a second-session of your thesis in SisA, where you will need to select the appropriate course. This needs to be done by 15 July at the latest.

If you want to enrol for a second-session after 15 July, you can do this in SisA via Study programme > Request > Be excused from an exam.

To request a thesis semester in SisA, follow the procedure as set out below:

  • At the beginning of the academic year, you will request a study programme that contains your thesis and/or other courses that are provided during the first semester.
  • Then you can go to Selfservice > Request > New request.
  • Select your programme and choose 'Graduate in February'. You can do this only between 1 November and 3 January!
  • Should you still require a credit from a course you have already taken, but which is given during the second semester, then you will have to submit a written request to the chairman of the examination committee in order to obtain his or her permission. You will then forsake your right to attend lectures in that course, and your request to graduate in February will be taken care of by the faculty student administration office.
  • It is advisable to submit your request once you are certain that you will in fact submit your master's dissertation. If you fail to submit your master's dissertation after having submitted your request to graduate in February, you will be referred to the second-session exam period in the summer.

After having handed in your thesis in December, the oral defence will follow in January. For precise dates you should consult the Regulations for the Master Project on Blackboard.

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Article details
Article ID: 163
Category: Master project
Date added: 2016-07-28 11:40:31
Views: 657
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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