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Law-Master: What does the Master project consist of?


The Master project consists of three courses spread over two years: legal clinic (or internship), research proposal, and thesis. A total of 30 study points will be allocated to the project. The marks given to each course will be taken into account for the final result of the Master project.

At the beginning of every academic year a mandatory introductory session will be organized by the Master project coordinator, where you will be given useful information about the goals and practicalities of the project.

For more detailed information you can consult the Master Project Regulations on Blackboard.


 1. Legal Clinic (9 study points)

With the legal clinic or internship the faculty aims to build a bridge between the university and the professional field. A group of students will prepare one or more assignments that are developed in close cooperation with a partner institution, and they will respond to the institution’s needs. The legal clinic will be guided by a faculty staff member as well as a mentor representing the partner institution.

The legal clinic will take place during the first or second semester of the first year. During this time, the students will set up a report that contains a discussion or analysis of the assignments. The report will also be presented orally.

The assessment is based on the written document and the oral presentation.  The assessment is a collective one (per group), although individualization through intra-group assessment is also a possibility. Both the staff member and the mentor evaluate the assignments.


2. Research Proposal (3 study points)

Each student is to write a scientific thesis under supervision of a tutor (or supervisor). In order to maximise your chances of success, expedite your study progress and ensure that your written assignment connects with your legal clinic as much as possible, the thesis subjects will be assigned during the first semester of the first year.

An introductory lecture on the master thesis is followed by three lectures on methodology during the first semester of the first year: Fundamentals of legal research, Methodology comparative law and Methodology empirical legal research.

From these three lectures the student will work independently exploring and deepening the thesis topic. This includes drawing up a research project, finding relevant (international) sources in legislation, case law and doctrine, developing a bibliography, developing the methodology and the draft of a research question. The research proposal can be set up during either the first or the second semester of the first year.

Two distinct thesis routes are possible: the standard route and a route for prospective researchers. Within the standard route, which is available for all students who have not been appointed as prospective researchers by a faculty research group, you can either select a thesis subject from a list which is made available on Blackboard, or you can propose your own research subject. Prospective researchers are appointed by a UA research group and will be able to select a thesis subject from a separate list (also on Blackboard) or can propose their own subject.

This preparatory work for the master thesis is submitted to and discussed withthe supervisor.


3. Thesis (18 study points)

The thesis is related to a module that will be chosen by the students and that they follow for at least one semester during the first or second master year. You can choose one of the following modules:

  • Multilevel constitutionalism
  • Sustainable development and human rights
  • Law and international business
  • Private autonomy

In the second term of the first master’s year, you start writing your thesis under your tutor’s supervision. Several meetings with your supervisor will be organized, so as to provide you with an opportunity to discuss your progress, describe your findings, and alert your supervisors to any problems. You will have to give a presentation about your thesis to your tutor and two assessors (lecturers) at the end of your second year.

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Article details
Article ID: 162
Category: Master project
Date added: 2016-07-28 10:56:07
Views: 382
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (5)

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