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Manual: I want to graduate in February. How can I request this?


You can submit a request to graduate in February as of 1 November until 2 January.
Make sure its is possible for you to graduate in February. Of course, you should be in the final year of the programme and you should be able to take the exams of your remaining courses in January/February.
It will not always be possible to take the exam of a 2nd semester course in January. If you still have to take an exam of a 2nd semester course you should check with your faculty/institute if you can take this in January. The faculty/institute communicates for which 2nd semester courses it is possible to take the exam in January.  Attention: you should have already taken the course in a previous academic year.

Click on the tile Requests.
Choose the request "Graduation in February" under "Graduation".

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Article details
Article ID: 183
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2016-09-05 12:31:06
Views: 594
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (5)

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