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Law-Graduation: When will I graduate?


You will graduate once you have obtained a credit for all the courses of your programme (i.e. minimum 10/20, cfr. art. 20.1.4 Education and Examination Regulations).

Attention: as the Master of Laws follows the full credit system, you have to complete successfully all courses in your study programme. This means you must either repeat a given course until you gain a credit for it, or you must choose another optional module course in order to meet the graduation requirements. This programme does not permit the deliberation of grades.

Details about the graduation ceremonies can be found on Blackboard under 'Information'. In principle, these take place on the first Thursday of July and on the second Thursday of September for students who graduate in the first or second examm session, respectively. But confirm the precise date on Blackboard or the university website to be sure.

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Article details
Article ID: 143
Category: Deliberation and degree
Date added: 2016-07-27 11:54:27
Views: 253
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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