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Law-Study programme: How many times can I enrol for a course?


There is no rule (yet) that defines how many times you are allowed to enrol for a course. In theory, you can repeat a course indefinitely. In practice, however, you can only enrol for a course provided you have enough study credits in your learning account. You should therefore take into consideration your learning account as well as how the study progress control works.

As the Master of Laws follows the full credit system, you will eventually have to successfully complete all courses in your study programme. This means you must either repeat a given course until you gain a credit for it, or you must choose another optional module course in order to meet the graduation requirements.

International students should avoid "excessive extension of studies" or may have the renewal of their residence permit denied by the immigration services.

Students who are registered with a credit or exam contract can enrol no more than twice for any given course.

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Article details
Article ID: 94
Category: Study programme
Date added: 2016-07-07 11:56:36
Views: 324
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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