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Law-Study programme: Excessive extension of studies


The Royal Decree of 23 April 2018 introduced changes with regards to extending or ending the stay of international students. It details – inter alia – in which cases an order to leave the territory can be issued to a student when he/she extends his/her studies in an excessive manner considering the results. A translation in English of the implication of this Decree, which is only available in Dutch and French, can be found in attachment.

Additionally, the immigration service has the right to annul your residence permit in the following cases:

  • Your student job takes up too much time for you to study properly
  • You are absent from an exam without a valid reason
  • You are unable to show the required proof of “means of subsistence”

Residence-permit-renewal.pdf Residence-permit-renewal.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 259
Category: Study programme
Date added: 2020-06-24 12:37:35
Views: 472
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.8/5.0 (5)

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