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Law-Enrolment: I want to combine studies with work


Somewhat different to the Dutch-language law programme, the Master of Laws programme is highly integrated. This means that combining studies with work within this programme is extremely demanding. Moreover, as the assessment method for a significant number of courses is via continuous evaluation, your presence at lectures or seminars may be required. In most cases, this will preclude the possibility of working besides studying. The following information may therefore not be relevant to you.

Some students choose to pursue a university career while also being employed (either full-time or part-time), yet not as 'working students' ('jobstudenten' in Dutch). They could also be self-employed, on a career break or looking for a job.

The flexibilisation decree has made it possible for students who combine work and studies to obtain a higher education degree or receive additional training. You can read more about flexible studying on the university website. You can get detailed information about specific programmes at education fairs organised by the university.

The Centre for Work and Studies at the University of Antwerp provides a number of services to employed students. After enrolling for your study programme, you should register as an employed student as soon as possible. It is always possible to make an appointment with an employee, who will be able to inform you about paid educational leave, training vouchers, etc. You may also make use of its facilities, such as a book service that lets you pick up your books after office hours, preparatory workshops, and other activities.

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Article details
Article ID: 111
Category: Enrolment
Date added: 2016-07-08 10:33:43
Views: 350
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (6)

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