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Law: Where can I buy books and syllabi?


As a student you can find course descriptions on Blackboard. For every course you have enrolled for, you can find a tab 'course materials' (Blackboard > Mijn onderwijs > My courses > Course description). Nevertheless, we would advise you to postpone the purchase of course materials until after the first lectures. After all, the lecturer will state in his first classes which books will be mandatory reading; this way you can avoid buying the wrong materials.

As a prospective student you can also consult the course descriptions on the university website.

Books and syllabuses are mainly offered by Acco (Prinsstraat 21) and Universitas (Prinsesstraat 16); the latter has an online ordering service (in Dutch), whereby you can order materials according to faculty, programme and year.
Registered employed students can have their books and syllabuses delivered at the Centre for Work and Studies. You can find more information about this centre under I want to combine studies with work.

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Article details
Article ID: 151
Category: Useful addresses
Date added: 2016-07-27 12:22:25
Views: 596
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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