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Law-Study programme: Can I modify my study programme?


As a student you can modify your study programme by yourself via SisA. This is only possible at the beginning of each semester, provided your study programme has not been validated yet.

Semester 1

You can modify courses that take place in each or both of the two semesters until 1 October. From this date on your study programmes will be validated and blocked. Should you still wish to make any changes, please contact in person your faculty administration office before 31 October.

Semester 2

You can modify courses that take place in the second semester until one week after the beginning of the semester for courses with continuous assessment (see course details).

Until 28 February: after this date no modifications can be made to study programmes and they will be considered exam programmes.

If you are a graduating student, you cannot modify your study programme by yourself. Should you still wish to make any changes, please contact in person your faculty administration office before 28 February.

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Article details
Article ID: 91
Category: Study programme
Date added: 2016-07-07 11:28:42
Views: 213
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (5)

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