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Law: How do I contact the Faculty Student Administration?


The Faculty of Law Student Administration is located in room S.V.001, Venusstraat 23, 2000 Antwerpen. Tel: +32 3 265 5445

Opening hours: 
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9h00-12h00 and 14h00-16h00
- Wednesday and Friday: 9h00-12h00

Feel free to walk in without an appointment, but know that not all staff members are present on campus every day. If you want to speak to a specific colleague, you can always set up an appointment or contact this person by phone or via the helpdesk.

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Article details
Article ID: 154
Category: Useful addresses
Date added: 2016-07-27 12:32:22
Views: 302
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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