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ADS - Progress Report Doctoral Education - Where can I find how many points I've already obtained?


In your SisA account>tile ePhD > Doctoral Training > My Doctoral Training you will find the grand total of your points up until now. The points are listed for each academic year and by competence category.

To obtain an overview of the activities and points of previous reports, you can click on the button 'Activities until '17-'18'. This will generate an Excel file.

To view the peer review committee's feedback, open the previously submitted progress report via ePhD > Doctoral Training > Report activities select the academic year and open the report (per activity you can find the feedback).

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Article details
Article ID: 196
Category: Progress Report Doctoral Programme
Date added: 2017-03-10 14:01:52
Views: 1561
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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