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Manual doctoral students: View or print a summary of your doctoral training progress


Click on the tile “ePhD” and choose "Doctoral Training" and then "My Doctoral Training" in the menu on the left. You get the following screen.

You get an overview of all approved activities and of the ADS-courses taken for the doctoral training programme.

Click on “Print” to generate a printer friendly pdf version.

At the top the total number of points that you have obtained for the doctoral training is shown.

For each competence category you see the approved activities and the ADS-courses. There is a total of points per year and a total for the competence.

Please note: Activities and courses submitted before the academic year 2015-2016 are not shown in this summary. However, the points obtained do count towards the totals of points. In 2014-2015 (for Applied Economics, Law and IOB this will be a different year) you will see a line with “Conversie” as “Section and title” for every competence for which you have obtained points.

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Article details
Article ID: 79
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2016-03-30 11:30:36
Views: 397
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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