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Manual doctoral students: Report activities doctoral training (progress report)


Click on the tile “ePhD" and choose first "Doctoral Training" and then “Report activities” in the menu on the left.

Click on the relevant academic year to start your report.

If you are exempt from the doctoral training or if you have completed the doctoral training programme you will get a message to that effect and you will not be able to report activities. In that case you wil not be able to avail of the educational credit.

You get an overview of all the activities that you have entered under "Manage activities". These activities are grouped per competence category. You will see the total points you are about to report.

Please note: this is a hypothetical total points. During the review of your report, the peer review committee will decide how many points are awarded.

If you expand the competence category you can see the points per activity. If you want to change an activity, go back to tab “Manage activities”.

If there is an activity you do not want to include in the progress report, you can deselect it here. The activities that were not included in the progress report remain in the activities list on the tab “Manage activities”. You will be able to add them to the next progress report.

When you click on "Submit" you will have to confirm that you do not want to include all actitvities in your report. Click on "OK" when you get the following message.

If your list of activities is complete, click on "Submit.

If you do not want to submit activities this period, tick the relevant box and enter a reason for not submitting activities (e.g. just started, defence takes place shortly, interruption due to illness, ….). This will be considered a valid progress report.

Next, click on “Submit”.

You will be asked to confirm that you wish to submit the report.

If you want to add more activities, click "No" and go back to "Manage activities". If your report is complete, click on “Yes”.

You will get on screen confirmation that your report has been submitted.

Your report status is now “submitted” and a date is indicated.


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Manual doctoral students: View your doctoral training progress report
Manual doctoral students: Add activities doctoral training
Article details
Article ID: 207
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2018-10-04 10:04:51
Views: 2325
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (6)

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