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ADS - Progress Report Doctoral Education - Can I already register new activities in SisA?


Yes, from academic year 2018-2019 onwards, you can continuously add activities in SisA. This way, you can compose a portfolio in SisA. From the listed activities in your portfolio, you can select those that you wish to include in the next progress report (there is a box that needs to be checked per activity).

It is possible to add activities and come back to them at a later time. You can add or delete activities from your portfolio throughout the academic year.

The deadlines of the progress reports vary per faculty/institute. Consult the faculty PhD regulations (on the website of the Antwerp Doctoral School) for more information.

As soon as you click 'submit' for the yearly progress report, you won't be able to change anything to the report anymore. However it will still be possible to work on your portfolio, so you can add more activities to it which you will be able to submit in a next progress report (the following academic year).

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Article details
Article ID: 192
Category: Progress Report Doctoral Programme
Date added: 2016-12-20 13:54:31
Views: 667
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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