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ADS - Progress Report Doctoral Education - Do I need to submit a progress report?


The progress report consists of 2 parts with different regulations and deadlines:

1. Progress report doctoral research (form varies per faculty):

The evaluation of the research progress remains under the supervision of your faculty/institute and the regulations (who, what, when and how) vary per faculty/institute. Contact the faculty administration (see website ADS > Contact page) for more information. At least once every 2 years, a report is due.

2. Progress report doctoral study programme (activities in SisA):

Each year, all PhD students must submit a progress report for the doctoral study programme in SisA.
It doesn't matter when you were enrolled as a PhD student (before/after 1 January). 

In case you don't wish to report any activities for this academic year, please indicate this in SisA by checking the box '
I do not wish to submit activities this year'. Submit this feedback and this will also be considered a valid progress report. Don't forget to click on' Submit'!


* PhD students who closed their doctoral education programme before 1 May of the current academic year (see also FAQ: Can I close my doctoral education programme?);

* PhD students who have a Joint PhD contract in which the Universiteit Antwerpen is not appointed as the home institution are often exempted from the compulsory doctoral education programme at our university. Please check your joint PhD contract to see if this is the case;

* PhD students of the faculties Applied Economics and Law, and of the Institute of Development Policy (IOB) need to contact their faculty/institute with regard to both progress reports.

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Article details
Article ID: 81
Category: Progress Report Doctoral Programme
Date added: 2016-04-26 10:15:24
Views: 825
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (7)

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