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ADS - Progress Report Doctoral Education - Can I close my doctoral education programme?


The doctoral study programme can be closed if your file meets all the requirements. Consult the faculty PhD regulations for more information. In total, 30 (or more) points need to be obtained, with at least 1 point in 4 competence categories. At a maximum, half of the total number of points can be obtained in 1 competence category.

Please note (aimed at all faculties except for Business and Economics, Law and the Institute of Development Policy):

* If you plan to defend your PhD before the peer review committee convenes (May/June), then you should close down your doctoral study programme as soon as possible. It is no use to report on 'new' activities anymore, because the peer review committee convenes once a year.
The instructions for closing down the doctoral study programme can be found on the website of the Antwerp Doctoral School. Please keep in mind that processing your file may take a few weeks.

Activities that were performed after the deadline of 1 May of the previous academic year, and the moment when you wish to close down the doctoral study programme, can be included in your file.
If your public PhD defence is scheduled after May/June (when the peer review committe convenes), you should still submit a progress report in SisA. When the peer review committee has approved your activities and your file meets all the requirements, you can close down the doctoral education programme.

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Article details
Article ID: 82
Category: Progress Report Doctoral Programme
Date added: 2016-04-26 10:55:42
Views: 475
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.1/5.0 (7)

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