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ADS - Progress Report Doctoral Education - How many points are awarded per activity?


Information on the scoring of activities can be found in the faculty PhD regulations and in the faculty points table (see website of the Antwerp Doctoral School).

Please note:

* The number of points depends on your faculty (department)/institute. Please make sure to consult the points table of your own faculty/institute. In case there is a distinction between departmental scorings, this is indicated in the points table.

* Not all activities receive points in each faculty (department)/institute. Seeing as all faculties work with the same reporting system in SisA, it is possible that you will find more activity options than (only) the ones that can receive points in your faculty/institute.

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Article details
Article ID: 187
Category: Progress Report Doctoral Programme
Date added: 2016-12-12 12:56:51
Views: 599
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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