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Manual doctoral students: View your research progress reports


Click on the “ePhD” and choose “Research progress” in the menu on the left.

You will see the overview of the reports you have submitted. If a report has been reviewed by the IDC, the report status will be “Finalized”. You can see the evaluation on the right. Click on the relevant row to see the motivation.

The motivation will either be in the field “Motivation" or in an attached file (Commission attachment). If the chairperson of the IDC has added a file you can view it here.

If your report has not yet been reviewed the report status is still “submitted” and you won’t see the evaluation yet. 

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Article details
Article ID: 78
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2016-03-30 11:27:50
Views: 883
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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