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Manual doctoral students: Registering on the waiting list


If you want to enroll for a course but it is full, you can only register on the waiting list.

If there are a lot of doctoral students registered on a waiting list, the ADS will check if the course can be planned again in the same semester. People registered on the waiting list will get priority for enrolment.

When a participant cancels his/her enrolment, the ADS can contact a person on the waiting list asking him/her if he/she still wants to enroll for that course.

Step 1
Follow step 1 to step 4 as in chapter  ‘1.Enrolling for ADS-courses’.

Step 2
You can only select the waiting list. The other groups are closed. Click on the row of the waiting list. 


Step 3
Follow step 5 to step 7 as in chapter  ‘1.Enrolling for ADS-courses’. You will see on each page that it concerns a waiting list.
When you have successfully registered on the waiting list, you will get the message below.

Attention: registrations on the waiting list will appear in the list of "My courses" but they do not count towards the total.  

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Article details
Article ID: 67
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2015-07-27 15:32:25
Views: 308
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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