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Manual: Enrolling for courses


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You can only enroll for courses as off 16 July and if you have (re-)enrolled for your programme. If you have not yet enrolled for courses you will get a message to this effect in your task list under the tile "Tasks".

Click on the link or go click on the tile “Study program” and then choose “Enroll in courses”.


You have to select the courses you want to take in the chosen academic year one by one and add them to your shopping cart. As of 16 July you can complete the enrolment for the collected courses. Look at the instructions to see which is the best way to find courses.


Click on Model Path or My requirements for an overview of the courses that constitute your programme (see on-screen instructions for more information).

Click on the line of the courses that you want to take.



Depending on the course it is possible that some classes are split in several sections (groups).  
Possible time conflicts will be shown immediately by the yellow triangle. 

To see the details of the options, click on “more details”. These will be shown in a new window.

Close this window and select a group based on the instructions of the faculty under ‘extra info’ (if available) or on your time table preferences.
Click on “Yes” to add the course to your shopping cart.


You will go back to the model path or the requirements and you’ll see that the course has been added to your shopping cart.  



Add other courses to your shopping cart in the same way.  


Go to your shopping cart. You get a list of the courses that you have added. Possible conflicts in your timetable are shown by a yellow triangle.

Click on “Preliminary timetable” to see where the time conflict is and whether it is a problem. You get a weekly schedule with the enrolled classes and the classes in your shopping cart to help you make the best choice when composing your study programme and your time table.

If you wish, you can delete the added classes. Select the course and click on “Delete”. 

Click on Model Path or My requirements to add other courses to your shopping cart.

When you have collected all the courses that you wish to take, go to the next step.  


Go to your shopping cart. Select the courses for which you want to enroll and click on the button “Enroll”. If you tick the box next to “Status”, you select all.

Click “Yes” to confirm.

You get the following confirmation.


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Article details
Article ID: 212
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 11:24:44
Views: 6135
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.1/5.0 (11)

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