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Manual doctoral students: Enrolling for ADS courses


Step 1
Go to https://sisastudent.uantwerpen.be , select English as language and log on with your User ID (s0000000) and password that you received upon enrolment. Always use your student account, not your staff account.


Step 2
Click on the tile “Study program”.


Choose “enroll” in the menu on the left.


If you have already enrolled for the next academic year and the date is between 16 July and the start date of the next academic year you will be able to select the academic year. During the rest of the year this will not be possible. 

Step 3

Click on “Enroll by Model  Path” to get an overview of the courses.

You get an overview of the courses per competence category.


Step 4

Click on the course that you want to take or on which you want more information. (E.g. the course ‘Acces: basis’ in the competence category ‘Research skills and techniques’.)

You will see different sessions of the courses and the waiting list (if there is one).

Step 5

Click on the arrow next to “Course information” for more info.


For more information about the course, click on ‘Link to Course information’. You will be directed to the ADS-website.


You’ll see that some courses are organized several times within the same semester (e.g. Applied Communication, Writing Academic Papers, Giving Presentations,…).

If you want to enroll for such a course you choose the preferred session in this screen: HC01, HC02 or HC03 (HC= Hoorcollege (Lecture)). You’ll also see the dates, times and location of the course sessions when clicking on “More details”. Select the preferred session by clicking on the row.


Click “Yes” in the pop-up window to add the course to your shopping cart.


You come back to the course list and you’ll see that the course has been added to your shopping cart.


Step 6

Go to the “Shopping cart” in the menu on the left. Select the course by ticking the box and click on “Enroll”.


Step 7

Click on “Yes” to confirm. You get the following confirmation.


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Article details
Article ID: 65
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2015-07-24 15:36:34
Views: 1332
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (6)

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