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Manual: Purchase MOVE (sportsticker)


Important: you can only use this request if you did not select MOVE (sportsticker) in your online pre-registration.

Click on the tile "Requests". Next choose "Purchase MOVE" under "Extra".

You get the following screen.

Move the button to Yes if you want to purchase MOVE.

The button "Submit" becomes available. Click on it to continue.

You get the following window with information about the conditions and consequences of purchasing MOVE.
Click on "Confirm" to complete your purchase.

Attention: In some situations (a.o. lifelong learning, exchange, PhD) you cannot purchase MOVE (sportsticker) using this request.

You will get the following message.

In that case you can go to the website https://sportuantwerpen.be/ to purchase MOVE.

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Article details
Article ID: 280
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2023-08-03 13:11:14
Views: 245
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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