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Manual doctoral students: Announce your public defence


Go the tile “Requests” and choose “New request”. Next choose “PhD doctoral thesis” and next “Announcement public defence”.

You can also go to the tile “ePhD”, tab “Defence” and click on the link “Announcement public defence”.

Attention: you can only submit this request if your doctoral training programme has been closed, the jury has been composed, there is a favourable advice of your IPC and the jury has given permission for the public defence.
All this has to be registered in SisA before you can submit this request.

In a pop-up you will see your program details. Click on “Next”.

On the next page, you enter the date and the place of your public defence.
It is important to thoroughly check if the information on this page is correct. You full name as it will be printed on the diploma is shown, as well as the title of your doctoral thesis.

Is there a problem with your name? Contact the Registrar’s Office through this helpdesk to have it corrected.
Is there a problem with the title of the doctoral thesis? Contact your faculty administration to have it corrected.

Do not proceed with the request if the information shown is not correct.


If you are doing a Joint PhD,  this will be indicated here. The partner organisation will be shown and you will have to upload a proof of enrollment at the partner organisation before you can proceed.

If the information about your joint PhD is not correct, please contact your faculty administration.

If all data are correct, click on “Submit”.

The faculty may already have registered the data and place of defence in SisA for you. In that case you do not have to enter anything and you can go straight to “submit”.

You will get a confirmation window. Slide the button from No to Yes after you have double checked the information.  

Click on “Confirm”.

An email announcing your public defence will now be sent to your promotor, your faculty administratino, the Antwerp Doctoral School, the Registrar’s office and to the colleagues of science communication.

You will see a confirmation in SisA and you will receive an email informing you about the formalities your still have to fulfill.


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Article details
Article ID: 272
Category: Manual SisA for doctoral students
Date added: 2022-07-28 16:24:40
Views: 1002
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (4)

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