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Law-Enrolment: Why has my account been blocked?


Your access to a number functions in your SisA selfservice as well as Blackboard will be blocked if you have still not paid the required tuition fees after having received a warning or payment request via email. As soon as the requested payment is paid (and processed), your account will be completely reactivated and any messages related to the payment request will no longer be visible on your interface.

Your access to your email account will never be blocked, and you will always be able to retrieve your personal and financial information in your SisA selfservice.

More information can be found on the central registrar's item about tuition fees.


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Article details
Article ID: 265
Category: Enrolment
Date added: 2021-04-12 10:08:55
Views: 584
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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