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Account: How long does my account stay active after graduation or ending my studies?


The first moment you enrol in the university, you receive a student account.  This account stays active during the academic year in which you have a valid enrolment.

What happens when I don't re-enrol in a new academic year?

On the 31st of October after your final academic year your email account will become inactive:

  • you will not be able to use webmail or Blackboard anymore
  • you cannot use Office 365 anymore
  • your account will be disconnected from any mailing groups
  • your account will become invisible in the mail directory of the university.

You can only use your 'expired account' to re-enrol in SisA after you receive a permission for re-enrolment from the faculty.

After re-enrolment, you will again gain access to your account and computer facilities.

Without a re-enrolment within the next academic year your account will be erased completely.

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Article details
Article ID: 242
Category: Documents (study certificate, student account)
Date added: 2019-08-13 15:32:21
Views: 691
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (7)

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