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Tuition fee: Where can I find the information to pay the tuiton fee?


New students receive their tuition fee through e-mail at the time of enrolment and should pay this sum as soon as possible. Existing students who re-enrol receive an email after re-enrolment with the amount they have to pay.
Please note that those amounts are always based on a programma of 60 credits (full-time programme)

You can also find the tuition fee in the Finances-component in your SisA self service. A condition is that you have already enrolled in your courses.  The calculation of the tuition fee happens overnight.

Go to https://sisastudent.uantwerpen.be and click on “Account Summary” on the home page. You will find an overview of your account to date in relation to the calculated fees and the booked payments. You will also find information on how to pay (bank account and payment reference). Please note that your computer facilities will be blocked if we don’t receive a payment.

You can also see the calculation of the fee and your payments. Every time you change your programme (register or unregister for a course), the fee will be recalculated overnight.

If you cannot find your payment here in a reasonable period of time, it’s best to ask a question on the helpdesk. Please keep in mind that the processing of payments can take at least a week after you initiated payment.

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Article details
Article ID: 48
Category: Tuition fee
Date added: 2014-10-31 15:05:28
Views: 964
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (5)

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