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Manual: Request special facilities


You can indicate through SisA for which courses you wish to avail of the possible facilities. Later, the faculty will confirm for each course if the facilities can be granted.

Click on the tile “Requests”. Choose “Special facilities” under "Exams". 

Select the programme for which you want to request special facilities and click on “next”.

You get an overview of all the possible facilities. For each facility, select the courses for which you wish to avail of it.

Click on "More info' to see when it is possible to request special facilities.

Click on a facility and select the courses for which you would like to use this facility by sliding the button to "Yes". Click on "Next".

Please note that this entails a commitment. If the faculty approves the facilities you are expected to avail of them for the selected courses.

Click on “Submit” at the top of the page.

You will get a confirmation that your request has been processed successfully.
Under the tile "Documents", under "Facilities", you can print a list of your facilities with the status fro each of them. You will get a message und er "Tasks" when the status has been changed by the faculty. 

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Article details
Article ID: 227
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 14:47:58
Views: 322
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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