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Manual: Change your current enrolment


A change of enrolment can mean cancelling an enrolment and/or taking an additional enrolment. Click on the tile “Requests”. Choose "Change current enrolment" under "Career management".

Mark "Yes" next to the programme for which you want to cancel your enrolment. If you do not want to enroll for another programme, click on “Next”.

If you do want to enroll for another programme, click on "Extra program" at the bottom and fill out the requested information on the pop-up screen. Click on "Add". Click on “next”.

You get a summary of your request. If everything is correct, mark "Yes" next to the consent and click on “Confirm”.

You see in the list of your requests that your request has been submitted. Click on the request to view the details. 

You can track the status of your request through “My requests”.

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Article details
Article ID: 221
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 14:19:32
Views: 476
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.3/5.0 (3)

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