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Manual: Signing in and out


Go to:  https://sisastudent.uantwerpen.be

Use your UA account details to sign in.

Remember to use the format s0123456@ad.ua.ac.be as your username.

First enter your user name and click on "Volgende" (or "Next" if your browser is in English)

Enter your password and click on "Aanmelden".

Due to a change in access policy, it is currently not possible to choose English when logging on.
To change the language please see the relevant article.

To exit SisA correctly it is important to use the button Sign out in the top right corner of the window. It is not enough to close the browserwindow if you want to avoid that someone else continues to work with your userID and password!


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Article details
Article ID: 210
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 12:21:02
Views: 573
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.8/5.0 (5)

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