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Account: How can I generate or change the password of my student account?


To generate, change or reset the password of your student account, please follow this procedure:

  • Surf to https://pwreset.uantwerpen.be
  • Insert your username (see attachment)
  • Complete the security test and click Next
  • Select "I forgot my password" and click Next
  • Select how you would like to recieven the verification code: Mail, Text or Call (the mobile number or private e-mail address of your online preregistration will be used)
  • Insert the verification code you received and click Next
  • Now select a strong password, taking into account the password requirements of the university
  • Click Finish

Please note that your username is not your student e-mail address. You can find your student e-mail address, which will look like givenname.surname@student.uantwerpen.be, in SisA.


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Article details
Article ID: 27
Category: Documents (study certificate, student account)
Date added: 2014-10-31 12:30:16
Views: 659
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.0/5.0 (8)

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