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Manual: View Grades


You can view your grades per period.

Click on the tile “Grades”.

You get an overview of your grades in the current academic year. You can switch the academic year or the career by clicking on “change”.

You can also request a total overview of all the courses you have taken and the obtained results.

Click on the tile “Grades” and select “history” in the menu. Use the filter-button to select the courses that you want to see.


You can request an unofficial PDF-report of all the courses you have taken with the obtained results.
Click under the tile “Grades” on “progress report” in the menu or click directly on the tile “Documents” and select “View unofficial transcript of records”.

Select the career and click on “view report” to generate the report. This will appear in pdf. Attention, make sure the pop-up blocker is turned off.

Note: You can always request an official transcript up to now from the faculty.


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Article details
Article ID: 217
Category: SisA Manual
Date added: 2019-02-20 12:46:33
Views: 690
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.0/5.0 (4)

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