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Law-Exams: When can I register for the oral exams in January 2017?


Students following a master degree can register on 26 November from 1 p.m. onwards.

If you attempt your registration at an earlier time than mentioned above, you will receive a message that you cannot register before 27 November. Unfortunately, this message cannot be modified, as somebody has to manually unlock the system on the 26th. So should you receive this message, simply wait a few minutes and try again.

Students who require special services and employed students are not required to register: for them the registration has already been arranged. If you wish to have another exam time, you must request this via the Helpdesk before 2 December.

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Article details
Article ID: 142
Category: Exams
Date added: 2016-07-27 11:50:34
Views: 144
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.0/5.0 (4)

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