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Diploma: When will I receive my diploma?


The diploma supplements are made by the respective faculties and then they are transferred to the diploma administration. This office will create the diploma signed by the rector and composes the diploma file.

As soon as the file is completed, it will be send by registered mail to your legal home address (unless there was made an agreement with the respective institute or faculty).

The time of delivery, without prejudice, is in the course of the next academic year after the academic year in which you graduated.

For certain programs (for example law, medicine and PhD's) the diploma files are available sooner because of legal requirements.

While waiting for the diploma, you can ask your faculty for a certificate of graduation, which you can use to apply or to enrol at another university.

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Article details
Article ID: 53
Category: Diploma
Date added: 2014-10-31 15:11:46
Views: 693
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (5)

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