Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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General - Useful links


The academic calendar can be found here: academic calendar

1. Studentportal and courses

The Studentportal is your electronic learning environment. Here you will find all course information, and the accouncements from the FSW faculty student administration. Course information can also be found via Blackboard.

2. SisA, your student platform

SisA is the starting point for requesting your study programme, consulting your personal college and examination schedule, etc. Here you can also download documents and certificates.

3. Webmail

Your UA-e-mailaddress  is an important means of communication. Keep an eye on your mailbox or have messages forwarded to your private address. The university will always contact you via the UA e-mail address. Important general info related to your programme will always appear on the Studentportal and will not be e-mailed personally.

4. Faculty Student Administration FSW

The Faculty Student Administration is your contact for your programme, timetables, exams, etc. You can ask your question via our Helpdesk FSW, or drop by: room S.M.137, 9.00 - 12.30.

5. ICT info centre

The ICT info centre is the place to go for ICT-related questions, including those concerning software licences. Ask your question via the Helpdesk ICT. More contact information can be found on the Studentportal.

Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
Gerelateerde artikelen Start of the academic year - who do I ask which questions to?
Exams - Where is my examination schedule?
General - Learning account / study credit
Studentportal - Access to the Studentportal
ICT - Software with campus licence and powerful computers
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 458
Categorie: Useful Links and Information
Aantal bekeken: 23
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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