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Study programme - Adding a seminar


Seminar New Media and Politics

Master Political Communication: register via Studentportal - Political Communication
Master Political Science: please request enrolment via fswhelp.be

Research Methods Seminar

Sign up for the Research Methods Seminars via the online form on the Studentportal

Research Design Seminar

The Research Design Seminar can only be added to your programme if you are also enrolled for the course master thesis or if you obtained a credit for the master's thesis. More information in de Thesis Guidelines.

Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
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Master's thesis - Where can I find the topics and guidelines?
Study programme - Internship
Master's thesis - Master's theses defenses
SisA - Problem adding a course (e.g. 2nd semester, master's thesis)
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 510
Categorie: Study programme
Aantal bekeken: 68
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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