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Exams - sick for an exam


In case of illness

What to do when you are ill:

  • Post a ticket in our helpdesk (at the latest) on the day itself and before the start time of the exam you cannot attend;
  • Within three working days, provide a scan or copy of your doctor's certificate via the same ticket in the FSW Helpdesk. It is no longer necessary to provide the original. We reserve the right to request the original certificate in case of doubt. Please note: the certificate must be issued by the doctor on the date of the exam in which you are unable to take part;
  • If you wish to participate in the replacement exam, you must mention this in your helpdesk ticket.

The following medical certificates will not be accepted (see also the OER: Education and Examination Regulations):

  • An incompletely completed certificate or one that contains contradictions;
  • A dixit certificate (certificate based solely on the patient's statement);
  • A post factum certificate (certificate issued after the illness has ended or after the medical consequences of an accident can no longer be determined).

You only need to excuse yourself via SisA self-service if you do not wish to participate in the replacement exam.

If your application is complete, you will receive a confirmation from the Faculty Student Administration with further information.

Living in The Netherlands

Are you living/staying in the Netherlands during the exam period in which you become ill?

If you want a replacement exam, you too (see article Non-participation exams in the OER) will have to submit a valid supporting document.

Please have the attached PDF completed by the doctor. If you encounter difficulties, please contact the student administration via fswhelp.be as soon as possible.

Verklaring-van-ongeschiktheid-Nederland-4.pdf Verklaring-van-ongeschiktheid-Nederland-4.pdf

Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
Gerelateerde artikelen Exams - I don't want to participate in an exam
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Artikel details
Artikel ID: 476
Categorie: Exams
Aantal bekeken: 43
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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