Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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Study programme - I have to retake courses from last year. How do I do this?


Are you no longer in your model path? 5 tips to put together your individual study programme:

1. Retake all compulsory courses for which you did not pass

The Education and Examination Regulations no longer oblige you to retake failed courses, but we strongly advise you to do so. This is not only good for your learning credit, but it also ensures that you gain the necessary basic knowledge required for subsequent courses.

2. Complete your study programme according to the sequentiality

The sequentiality table shows the order in which you must complete certain subjects.

3. Avoid schedule conflicts

If you supplement courses from a lower model path with courses from a higher model path, make sure that the class schedules do not overlap as mch as possible, especially for compulsory classes. If compulsory classes (e.g. practice sessions) overlap, you may fail one of these courses.

4. Do not combine courses from Bachelor 1 with courses from Bachelor 3

Combining courses from different model paths often leads to scheduling conflicts, not only for the college timetable, but also for the examination timetables. A good exam staggering becomes even more difficult if you combine courses from Bachelor 1 and 3. Avoid this.

5. Contact the faculty Study Counsellor with questions

Do you still have questions? Then be sure to watch the videos on the Student Portal first. Still struggling with the above tips? Then contact the Study Counselor. Always enclude your progress report from SisA if you have any questions.

Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
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Study programme - Making changes to your study programme during the academic year
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 431
Categorie: Study programme
Aantal bekeken: 18
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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