Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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Study programme - Making changes to your study programme during the academic year


Making changes to your study programme

More information on:

  • adding and deleting courses
  • changing your study programme
  • ending your study

via your SisA self-service can be found here: Manual: the complete SisA manual


For changes to your study programme, please take into account the following deadlines:

  • until 30 September: you can add, change and delete course units yourself via SisA self-service
  • 1 to 31 October: if you can no longer change anything yourself via SisA self-service, please contact our helpdesk for changes. After the education administration has checked your study programme, you can no longer change it yourself. However, you can still request a change via the helpdesk
  • from 1 November: course units of the first semester and year courses are fixed
  • until 28 February: you can add, change or delete course units of the second semester by contacting our helpdesk
  • from 1 March: course units of the second semester are fixed.

Missed a deadline? If you want to register for or drop courses or change your study programme at a late stage, please contact our Study Counselor.

See also: SisA - Problem adding a course (e.g. 2nd semester, master's thesis)

Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
Gerelateerde artikelen SisA - Problem adding a course (e.g. 2nd semester, master's thesis)
Study programma - Adding an elective course
Studentportal - Where are my courses?
Study programme - Courses do not appear on Studentportal
Study programme - Registering for a course unit
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 430
Categorie: Study programme
Aantal bekeken: 58
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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