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» Categorie: Useful links and information  (Ga terug)

» Artikelen in deze categorie:

Sustainability - recycling - bicycle - reuse - share Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
The University of Antwerp is committed to sustainability through, among other things, these initiatives:   • Bicycle repair is possible on every campus (info about this in every bicycle shed, and on...
Downloading of documents on the studentportal fails? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
For the moment there is a problem with the studentportal. We advise you go via lms.uantwerpen.be to the correct organization and to download the document there.
usefull links as a student Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
1. The studentportal, the electronic learning environment: https://student.uantwerpen.be courses = Blackboard = lms.uantwerpen.be * Here you will find all course information as well as with message...
Direct link to the studentportal or courses in Blackboard Ultra Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
Studentportal = student.uantwerpen.be Courses = Blackboard = lms.uantwerpen.be
How can I consult my emails (webmail) if access to the studentportal has been closed due to late payment? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
Student login: https://mail.student.uantwerpen.be/
Direct access to SisA selfservice (not via the studentportal) Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
Lending recording equipment Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
We provide recording equipment. Students may also borrow this equipment against a deposit of €50.     See details in the attached document.
Important emails: how do I not miss them? Filter/Mail forward automatically! Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
It is common knowledge that student accounts are flooded with questions and spam. In order not to miss important emails from professors, assistants or our administration, we have added the following t...
I have an ICT related problem, who can I contact? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
Log in on the studentportal and choose the tile ICT. There is one central reporting point for ICT related issues: 03/265 48 08 or helpdeskICT
where can I find my professor's mailbox? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
The mailboxes of the professors are located at the front of the corridor of the professor's office.   Usually papers are collected in separate mailboxes at the elevator at the student administration...
Reclaiming learning account due to force majeure Artikel beoordeeld 1.0/5.0
Reclaiming learning account due to force majeure must be requested directly via the government 'Onderwijs Vlaanderen'.   All information and documents can be found on https://onderwijs.vlaanderen.be...
Address details of professors, assistants, administration Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
The personnel data of the University of Antwerp can be easily retrieved via: www.uantwerpen.be/first name-surname (surnames from several parts are written together)   On this personal page you will ...
I want to change my address Artikel beoordeeld 1.0/5.0
You can change your address via SisA selfservice https://sisastudent.uantwerpen.be/ >student center > personal data
course service Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
you have an UA account but you can't seem to access it (any more)? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
a) Blockages can be imposed on late payments. Your access to a number functions in your SisA selfservice as well as the Studentportal will be blocked if you have not paid the required tuition fees af...
Tuition fees - financial file management Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
Your financial file is managed by the registrar's office. If you have any questions about refunds, calculation of tuition fees, study grants, etc., please contact the helpdesk of registrar's office ht...
Software (SPSS, Endnote and NVIVO) with campus licence Artikel beoordeeld 1.7/5.0
Infocenter ICT, information about ICT events (also for software licences)   For all questions, please contact: Helpdesk ICT, Contact details: Tel. 03-265.4808 or helpdeskICT or go to S.P.001 (Scriba...
VPN or secured connection Artikel beoordeeld 3.0/5.0
More information about setting up a secure connection with, for example, the Studentportal or the library when you are not staying on campus can be found on the studentportal under ICT > network
information about learning account Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
More information about the learning account can be found at https://www.uantwerpen.be/nl/onderwijs/van-studiekeuze-tot-diploma/studieloopbaan/leerkrediet/ and on the pages of the Vlaams ministerie van...
Access to the studentportal blocked? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
At the beginning of November of each academic year, students who have not paid any tuition fees will no longer be granted access to the studentportal.   At the beginning of April, all students with ...
Manual SisA student Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
A complete manual with screenshots of the SisA selfservice can be found on the helpdesk of the registrar's office:  https://studhelp.uantwerpen.be/ro_helpdesk/knowledgebase.php?article=22
Where can I park my car? Artikel beoordeeld 1.0/5.0
The parking lots of the University of Antwerp on the City Campus are not accessible to students. For paid car parks in the area, consult: https://www.uantwerpen.be/nl/campusleven/op-weg-naar-de-campus...
Access to bicycle storage/shed Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
You have access to the bicycle shed with your student card. Bicycles do NOT belong on the sidewalk in front of the 'De Meerminne' building, but in the bicycle shed. The entrance is to the left of ent...
How do I reserve a room as a student for group work, for example? Artikel nog niet beoordeeld
This can be done via the studentportal:  https://student.uantwerpen.be/UA_SP_CAMPUS-LIFE/3838647

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