Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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Registering for oral exams


Registering for oral exams can be done via your SisA selfservice.

(this is NOT applicable for second session exams. In second session the student administration will give you a spot (day/time). So you only register for the second session oral exam(s) but you cannot choose a time slot.  

Note: if you have chosen or have been assigned an exam moment by the faculty student administration, the other available moments will no longer be visible in your personal timetable on SisA. During the registration period you can choose another moment by first deregister from the chosen moment and then registering again in the list of available moments. For organizational reasons, certain time slots may already be taken. You will therefore no longer find it in SisA.


We also publish a complete exam schedule with all moments on the Studentportal, but your personal schedule in SisA Selfservice is your only complete and correct source of information!


The manual can be found here: https://studhelp.uantwerpen.be/ro_helpdesk/knowledgebase.php?article=22

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Artikel details
Artikel ID: 221
Categorie: Exams and schedules
Aantal bekeken: 116
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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